Saturday, December 11, 2010

Erectile Dysfunction

The termimpotence (the term traditionally applied to erection difficulties) derives from the Latin meaning loss offnave,'This association with a lack of strength and vigour automatically connects the condition with the opposite of all that weconside—scultue. Forcenturies. men have linked theirsell-respvct to the performance of their p'nis. Therefore. far,, when their penis fails them, they no longer feel like —f men [ I I As t his physical event affects most men mstan, degree at some point in their life. the word used 10 describe the condition should not suggest a sweeping diminution in a mmis overall strength and capabilities. as the word 'impotence does. With this in mind. the term 'erectile dysfunction' JED) w"'ei-d.
ED Lc defined as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual activity and can be either organic or inorganic (I.,. p,yh,l,gi,,Il in origin. As little as 30 years ago it was still believed that the majority ofEDcases were inorganic I, nature. although by the 1970s and 1980a many experts were starting to believe that ED ,as increasingly due to organic disease. Today it is broadly accepted that there is rarely a clear-cut cause of ED and that erectile failure I., usually due to , complex interaction between a numberofpsychologi¬cal an,] physical fact,,,,,
Given that men are notoriously reticent in seeking advice or help with their ED. it is difficult to obtain precise ]!gores an the prevalence ofED in the rude population.
It has been suggested that up to 52% of men between the ages of 40 and 70 years   will have experienced some degree ofED 12,31. ED also appears to be age related. with a pr ... I ..... f 39'X, among men 40 years old. and 67% among those 70 years old [2].A, the ageing population ise,,,-gr,,wing. the number ,f men with I'D is set 1, increase quite startlingly. Based an new estimates of the worldwide prevalence of ED. the present w,),Id,ld, prevalence of >150 million lion