Birth controlp&v, commonly referred to as "the pill," contain hormones (esrr%gezl and
progestin, or progestin only) that prevent a woman's body from releasing an egg or ovulating, or that prevent the egg from becoming fertilized or iniplanting. 'Ib effectively be "on the pill," the woman must take one pill at the same
Wile every day, no matter what—whether or not she plans to have sex that day (or the next day or the one after that).

A doctor prescribes the type of birth control pill that is best for you. There are many different brand names for specific types of birth control pills, yet they are all within two main categories: combination pills (containing estrogen and progestin) and progestin-only pills, which work in different ways. Combination pills, which are the most popular types, prevent a woman's ovaries from releasing eggs. Combination pills also come in "low-dose" varieties, which are exactly as effective as other types of combination birth control pills. On the other hand, progestin-only pills are less effective than combination pills, and also less effective than low-dose combination pills. progestin-only- pills work by making it difficult for sperm to meet and unite with an egg by making changes in a woman's cervical mucus and lining of the uterus.
The birth control pill is one of the most effective methods of birth control available and is considered safe for most—but not all—women. A history of blood clots, heart disease, unusual vaginal bleeding, strokes, or breast, uterine, cervical, ovarian cancer, or a habit of smoking (especially after age 35) all preclude its use.